Things we make up!

Look at the picture below and count how many colors do you see?

How many colors can you see in the picture?

If you did not spend a few seconds counting colors, please stop and spend 5-10 seconds looking at all the colors that you see. This article would be a lot more helpful if you do. 🙂

When I looked at the picture, I could clearly see the green T-shirt and the yellow T-shirt. Now I know there is no green T-shirt or yellow T-shirt.

I realize this is exactly how see things in life. I see things that are not there.

Here our eyes really saw the green grid, and our brain made up the green T-shirt. Similarly at work, I sometimes hear a criticism of my work, and my brain makes up that the person does not like me, and is somehow against me. And then the confirmation bias kicks in and my brain picks up many pieces of proof for that.

Here our eyes really saw the yellow grid, and our brain made up the yellow T-shirt. In a relationship, I sometimes I see frown on my partner’s face, and my brain deduces something is wrong with me.

How many times we make up reality like that? Before I started to have in-depth conversations about my work, my relationships and myself, I did not see the distinction between what is real and what is fabricated by my mind.

If you suspect you might be believing something that is not true and it is holding you back, talk to someone who can allow you to be and helps you see the real grid lines that you are confusing for the color of the T-shirt.

I am happy to have an in-depth conversation with you, but only if you have the commitment to finding out the different between real and fabricated. You can read more about how I do that in this document.

Let us separate what is real from what our mind makes up. One image at a time. One conversation at a time.


  1. This is true. Most of the time it happens and we make mis judgement. But everything is interpreted as per data analysis by brain. So taking what it presumes may also be ok sometimes???

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